Welcome ! I am excited to tell you about some of the exciting projects with which I am involved. I have worked in the field of mental health since 1977 and in that time I have met wonderful people who have had the courage to understand themselves better and make changes in their lives.
My life is satisfyingly full of family, friends, work and personal growth. When someone asks what I do for a living I begin by telling them I am a certified *Life Coach. Through coaching, I have the honor of working with individuals and groups committed to living fulfilling, balanced lives that are aligned with their values. I am passionate about seeing people achieve their goals. With my support, they take risks to play bigger and to be more “alive” in their lives.
Alongside coaching, I see clients in therapy. I am a licensed *Clinical Psychologist and I have a specialization in helping individuals who have been traumatized or who suffer with an eating disorder. I see adults, children, couples and families who are overwhelmed, anxious or depressed with life’s many challenges.
About one year ago I changed my personal health care regimin and as a result, I am currently involved in distributing a wonderful product line for Life Force International, especially an aloe/sea vegetable based formula called Body Balance. As someone who has struggled with fibromyalgia for over ten years, this product has had a huge impact on my life. I now have more energy, far fewer aches and pains, and I sleep much better. I would love to share others’ stories and help you get started on this amazing product.
My latest project is a blog site called *Weighty Matters. I chose this name as I have a long-time interest in helping women consider weight management from a non-diet approach. As an eating disorder specialist, I have seen women suffer over their weight concerns.
Oh by the way, I am happily married to Don Beck and the proud mother of an active, delightful and challenging eleven year old, bi-racial son named Alexander Jabulani.